Your college dorm desk may not have upper shelving. In college, you'll realize how much this upper desk shelving is needed. Especially because your college dorm desk may not have the dorm desk drawers you need, either. You're going to have a lot of college textbooks, notebooks, and other dorm essentials that you need to keep stored in your college dorm room. To keep those dorm necessities organized, add our College Cube - Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Black.
Our College Cube - Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Black will allow you to keep those textbooks within arm's reach while you're sitting at your college dorm desk. In a deep black color, this dorm necessities item will even add to your dorm room decor so it's like you're getting two dorm items in one. This dorm essentials item has two equally sized squares so you can stack your college textbooks and notebooks horizontally or vertically. On the right side of this dorm desk shelf is a square that is divided so you can stack thinner notebooks horizontally or even keep your novels from English class in this space. Don't stack your college supplies on your desk top - ensure you have space to work by storing them above your dorm desk with our College Cube - Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Black.Dimensions:Overall: 37"L x 9.5"D x 28.7"H
First and Second Cube starting from the Left:
13.4"L x 13.4"H
Bottom Cube on the Right:
10"L x 8.7"H
Top Cube on the Right:
10"L x 1.7" H