Your college dorm desk may not have upper shelves or drawers to keep your college supplies organized. What is means is that you have a lot of dorm supplies with no home other than the top of your dorm desk. Stacking all those items on top of the surface without a dorm organizer won't work very well. You need the space to study, after all, and moving these stacked college supplies from the top of your desk to the floor every time you want to study won't be very efficient. Keep your dorm essentials organized better with The College Cube Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Beech (Natural Wood).
Our College Cube Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Beech (Natural Wood) has a natural wood color that will add to your dorm room decor both in how it looks and how organized it will keep your dorm desktop. This dorm necessities item has a series of divided shelves across the top that will keep your college textbooks, notebooks, and other dorm essentials organized. There are even two smaller divided shelves that will allow you to keep small paperback novels or tissue boxes organized. Under this shelving space is an open area that will allow you plenty of work space for your laptop, tablet, and more. Ensure your college desk is organized by adding vertical dorm room storage such as our College Cube Dorm Desk Bookshelf in Beech (Natural Wood).Dimensions:Overall: 37"L x 9.5"D x 28.7"H
First and Second Cube starting from the Left:
13.4"L x 13.4"H
Bottom Cube on the Right:
10"L x 8.7"H
Top Cube on the Right:
10"L x 1.7" H