Your college dorm desk may not have the upper shelves you need to keep your college textbooks and other college supplies organized. You need that desktop space to work, so stacking your textbooks and other dorm essentials on top of your dorm desk won't work very well. To keep your college supplies organized so you can spend more time efficiently studying, add our Classic Dorm Desk Bookshelf in White to your college dorm checklist. Our Classic Dorm Desk Bookshelf has a white color to add to your dorm room decor and will provide you with plenty of dorm room storage space for your dorm desk.
When you're adding dorm room storage to your college dorm room, the key is to think vertical - you want dorm organizers that go up rather than out so you can get the most dorm room storage with the least horizontal space taken. This dorm necessities item uses that same principal, which is essential when you are using the space to write your essays and study from your textbooks. Along the top and sides of this dorm necessities item are shelves to keep your notebooks, college textbooks, and college supplies such as pen cups organized. You can even keep your computer monitor or laptop in the large space to the left so you have even more room to work on your homework. You're in college to earn your degree which involves studying and working on your homework. Make sure you're doing those tasks efficiently by keeping your dorm desk organized with our Classic Dorm Desk Bookshelf in White.Dimensions:Overall:37"L x 9.5"D x 29"H
Top Cubes:
11.5" L x 5.3"H
Side Cubes:
12"L x 12"H