Community college showers and shared dorm bathroom situations require specific dorm room supplies to make your daily bathroom experience more comfortable and organized. Some of the dorm essentials for bath and shower include anything from dorm towels and college washcloths to college shower caddies, dorm totes, and dorm shower sandals. Other dorm items we offer you include college toiletry holders, dorm bathroom space savers, dorm shower curtains, and even a unique plush bath robe/coat! Stocking up on your college supplies can seem daunting, but if you break up your dorm list purchases by category it's not too bad and it can be fun looking for all the college dorm stuff you'll need, like these college dorm shower accessories.
The dorm stuff that isn't exciting to buy, but is an essential part of any college dorm checklist is bathroom dorm accessories. First, you need to know if your dorm has community bathrooms or if you share a bathroom with a roommate and suitemates. By knowing this, you'll be able to buy the dorm supplies that suit your on campus needs. The nice thing about our dorm stuff for bathrooms is that they are one of the cheapest dorm essentials that you'll need!