While you are creating your college supplies checklist, don't forget to add a few different dorm storage options! As you start planning out your dorm room, you'll start to realize that you you'll have more dorm items than you can fit in your college closet or on your dorm desk. Maximizing your dorm storage space and keeping your essential college supplies easy to access and clean is a must, but how do you go about doing that? Using the space underneath your extra long Twin dorm bed is a good start, but you don't want to just throw your dorm stuff under there without a little organization.
Our Texture® Brand - Rolling Under Bed Storage Drawer - Refined Rose Diamond is designed to keep your dorm items off of your dirty dorm floor and within reach when you need them! This roomy dorm organizer is compact enough to fit under your dorm bed and is made with a pull handle and rolling wheels to allow you to easily grab what you need. Best of all, this durable college organizer also has trendy style to help it fit in with your dorm decor. Styled with a pretty color and diamond textured design, this pink dorm under bed storage organizer adds that extra pop of color and style to your college dorm!
Dimensions: 35.8"L x 25"W x 7.9"H