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Top 5 Dorm Room Snacks

Posted by Dorm Co on Dec 31st 2024

Top 5 Dorm Snacks

The vast majority of college students aren't trying to turn their dorm into a kitchen and cook daily meals. Most of your real college meals will come from your University Cafe, college cafeteria, and sometimes restaurants on-campus or nearby. Depending on your college, your campus food services can be surprisingly good and offer enough variety to make daily meals anything but dull.

Even though most of your meals are covered, this list is all about those late-night binge snacks. Whether it's 9 p.m. or 3 a.m., most college dining halls won't be open during these late hours and you'll be hungry. Maybe you're in the middle of a late night study sesh and need a break, or you need food to regain energy...either way, these top dorm snacks are something that every college student will probably indulge in at least once during their college career!

1. Pizza. This includes breadsticks and any cheap side items your local pizza place offers. Pizza is a college classic, because it is usually cheap, filling, and can be split between you and your roommate or a few college friends. Pizza can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or any time in between. You can eat pizza sitting on a futon in your dorm room, or bring a slice on the go when you're late for class. Our Pizza Containers let you easily store an extra slice or two in your dorm fridge for any time you get hit with a pizza craving!

2. Ramen Noodles. The funny thing about Ramen Noodles is that before college you probably loved them, but after 4 years in college you won't want to touch them because you've had more than enough for a lifetime. This 32-cent meal/snack may play a foundational role in your diet during college, and boy is it popular! Our Dueling Cooker is for those real noodle-heads who aren't satisfied by just one block of ramen–cook two at once with this microwave safe cooking container. Or, microwave a block of ramen on one side and a $1 bag of frozen veggies on the other for a healthier twist that won't break the bank.

Pizza Easy Seal
3. Coffee. Time to study, anyone? Or how about you and your friends getting together to watch your favorite TV show on Thursday night? The best dorm snack for TV and movie night, or cramming for an exam that's coming up in the morning, is undeniably coffee. Get a mini coffee maker for dorms and turn your dorm room into everyone's new favorite on campus hangout spot!

4. Mac-N-Cheese. You can't go wrong with mac-n-cheese, and now that you can get the microwavable version, you can have it in your dorm room at any time. Slightly more expensive than Ramen Noodles, mac-n-cheese will be considered a splurge. . . but with that Dueling Cooker, you can cook ramen and mac-n-cheese at the same time for the ultimate carbload experienc

5. Soup. Okay...maybe the list should have stopped at the Top 4, because soup is hardly a binge snack, but it sure is a top comfort food when you get sick (or just homesick) during those long college days. Easy to cook in a hot pot or microwave, you'll find yourself enjoying your favorite canned soup on days where it just feels right. The great thing about soup is that it stays fresh when canned; you can keep the can in your dorm closet for months and enjoy it when you are ready. Soup is also relatively cheap and can warm you up during those cold winter days. Just don't forget a can opener!