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Dorm Essentials For Allergy Sufferers

Posted by DormCo on Dec 31st 2024

Dorm Essentials For Allergy Sufferers

Allergies can be pretty awful in general and can be even worse when you get to college. You're in a new environment that may have different allergens, plus your dorm room can be dusty. If you have allergies, there are certain dorm items that can help you be more comfortable and get a quality night's sleep every night.

1- Mattress Pad - DormCo has a great selection of Mattress Pads available according to your needs. If you want to know that you're getting a great night's sleep in an allergen-free dorm room, our dorm experts recommend choosing a zippered mattress protector that totally encases your dorm mattress. A zippered Twin XL mattress encasement can prevent bed bugs, dust mites, and allergens from making a home in your college mattress.

For allergen concerns, we have our 100% Cotton Top and Cotton Filled Mattress Pad that does its job of providing an extra layer between your dorm bedding and your University provided mattress, but then it does a little more. Cotton is a natural fabric that is great for allergy sufferers and college students with sensitive skin. Cotton has no synthetic chemicals and it is naturally hypoallergenic, which means you will have a super soft layer on your dorm bed. Choose a 100% Cotton dorm mattress pad with a pure cotton top and cotton fill, so you won't have to worry about there being any allergens in the cover or fill.

Twin XL Mattress Pads

2- Extra Sets of Twin XL Sheets - We have many options for Twin XL Sheets and as you know 100% Cotton is a great fabric for allergen concerns. However, something you may not think about when you're buying your dorm necessities for college is extra sets of Twin XL Sheets. When you head off to college, you need more than just one set of dorm sheets to keep on your bed. If there's allergens and dust floating around, they are going to settle on your dorm sheets. Regularly doing your laundry and always sleeping on clean dorm sheets is a great way to stay as healthy as you can in your new college environment. You can take extra precautions such as keeping extra sets of Extra Long Twin Sheets handy and changing them as frequently as you can, without having to wait for your laundry to be done every time.

Pillow Protector

3- Pillow Protector - This is an important one. You put your head on your pillow every night. If there's a dorm essential that can pick up allergens and make you sneeze or cough, it's going to be the dorm essential you put your head on. Putting your face in a pillow full of allergens sounds awful! Thankfully you can avoid this nightmare by using the right dorm bedding products to protect you. A dorm necessity you should not go without is a pillow protector, especially one like our Premium Pillow Protector. Not only is it going to keep your pillow clean and hygienic, it also protects your college pillow (and you!) from dust mites and allergens.

4- Extra Dorm Pillowcases - Again, 100% Cotton is your best bet for allergen and sensitive skin concerns. Plus cotton is super soft anyway so you're going to be really comfy and allergen free with one high quality pillowcase. However, your pillowcase is where you put your head every night. Like we mentioned above, hair product and face oils can easily transfer onto your college pillowcase and irritate your skin or add to your allergies. Just like you want to change your Twin XL Sheets frequently, you want to change your college pillowcases. Except you want and need to change your pillow case more often, because your pillow is where you put your head and therefore it's a prime area for allergens to make you sneeze. For severe allergies or those who really care about their skin and acne, changing your pillow case every day or every other day can do wonders for your overall wellbeing. You don't want to do laundry whenever you need to change to an allergen free college pillowcase, so pick up a few extras for the cleanest sleep ever.

5- Dorm First Aid Kits - Last but not least, if you have allergies or any other recurring health issues you need a college first aid kit in your dorm room. You may think of first aid kits for emergencies, cuts, or burns, but a student first aid kit can come in handy whenever you have an allergic reaction or are just feeling a little under the weather. Most of our dorm first aid packages include allergy meds, pain relief solutions, and even a thermometer so you can determine if you're just having allergy symptoms or if you are running a fever which can signal an actual cold or flu coming on. Whether you get a mini first aid kit to keep in your college backpack or a full size dorm emergency kit with all the student medical supplies you may need, you don't want to go to college without this important dorm necessity on your college supplies checklist!
Dorm First Air