When It Comes To Dorm Shopping, Don’t Rush It
Posted by DormCo on Dec 31st 2024
When It Comes To Dorm Shopping, Don’t Rush ItWhether you’re an avid shopper, or the type of person who only goes shopping after holes start appearing in your clothes, dorm room shopping is a little different. If you’re a shopaholic, shopping for college can be just as exciting as shopping for clothes, shoes, or whatever your preferred purchase may be. When you’re shopping for fun, yo
Ready Your Dorm Room for College Life's Fast Pace
Posted by DormCo on Dec 31st 2024
Ready Your Dorm Room for College Life's Fast PaceFrom meeting so many new people to taking classes at all hours of the day and evening, dorm living and college life unfold at a fast, unpredictable pace. Your dorm room, and the dorm supplies it contains, should help you be prepared. While some days college life will fly by amid your whirlwind of activity, it offers an enduring lesson:
5 Cheap Dorm Necessities for College Students on a Budget!
Posted by DormCo on Dec 31st 2024
5 Cheap Dorm Necessities for College Students on a Budget!Whether you just started shopping for your dorm supplies, or you have most of your important dorm items already purchased, you may be surprised by just how EXPENSIVE all this dorm stuff is. Sure, you probably expected that college would be expensive, between tuition costs, textbooks, and even unexpected costs like application
Dorm Essentials For Allergy Sufferers
Posted by DormCo on Dec 31st 2024
Dorm Essentials For Allergy SufferersAllergies can be pretty awful in general and can be even worse when you get to college. You're in a new environment that may have different allergens, plus your dorm room can be dusty. If you have allergies, there are certain dorm items that can help you be more comfortable and get a quality night's sleep every night.1- Mattress Pad - DormCo has a