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Texture® Brand Trunk - Baby Pink
Dorm Storage - The Texture® Dorm Trunk - Baby Pink - College Accessories

Texture® Brand Trunk - Baby Pink

Top Features include:
  • Leather-like, ridged exterior adds durability
  • High trend style & design (...without the high cost!)
  • Quality carry handle & ability to add 2 padlocks for added security
  • Large-size trunk has 2 wheels - Composite wood construction with dark gray interior lining
Retail Price $219.99
Student Discount Price $159.18
You Save: $60.81

Dorm Co. Tip: Who says trunks can't look good without costing a ton?!

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: BUCK2-E-SCBPINK

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The Texture® Brand Trunk - Baby Pink has it all! When shopping for your dorm, be on the lookout for supplies for college that combine functionality, looks, and other features, as is the case with this college dorm trunk. As for looks, trunks by their nature look better than regular suitcases or duffel bags. With this dorm trunk's pink, leather-like exterior and its gentle color, it has a gorgeous, cute design perfect for any college girl. Really, all your dorm stuff can be fashionable, not just your clothes and other dorm essentials. So even if you're a bit frazzled on move-in day at college, amid all that heavy lifting and unpacking, at least know that your trunk for college looks good!

As for functionality, you'll find the two wheels on this trunk for college students to be extra helpful when dealing with heavier loads. And with its grip handles and lockable dual clasps, it has all the features a great trunk needs. Some students do forget, though, to keep using their dorm room trunk after move-in day. Quite simply, the usefulness of your trunk for college extends beyond merely being able to carry dorm stuff. Once it's in your room, you should still keep it filled with clothes and other college supplies. Space is valuable and not to be wasted in your dorm room, and trunks are great for getting the most out of the little space that you're given. And no matter where it ends up in your dorm, let its pretty pink color add to your dorm decor.

Large (with Wheels): 29" L x 20" W x 14" H

The Sorority College Trunk - White Color

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