Your college dorm room is your new home away from home, and while you may have a college meal plan, there will probably be times when you wish you had a kitchen set up in your dorm room. If your college dorm room doesn’t feature any college kitchen appliances, then providing your own must-have dorm appliances will help improve your college experience! Adding a college mini-fridge to your dorm furniture is a great way to explore cooking in your dorm room. Along with a dorm mini-fridge, a custom dorm mini-fridge station can help create a compact dorm kitchen space so you don’t have to survive on just ramen noodles and your college meal plan for the next four years.
The Yak About It® Mini Fridge Dorm Station in White features multiple dorm storage shelving compartments for your other dorm supplies and college essentials, ranging from dorm cooking ingredients to college plates and flatware. This college mini-fridge storage solution is perfect to hold your other dorm appliances like your dorm coffee maker, college microwave, and any other college kitchen supplies you need to keep on hand. And if you need even more college dorm storage solutions, adding a Yak About It® Dorm Station Top Shelf on top of this mini-fridge dorm station can create additional college shelving to store all of your dorm essentials in your DIY dorm kitchen space!
Overall Dimensions: 33.75"W x 22"D x 37"H
Weight Capacity: 175 lbs.
Fridge Opening: 19.50"W x 22"D x 36.50"H
Top Cubby: 11.75"W x 22"D x 11.75"H
Bottom Cubby: 11.75"W x 22"D x 22.75"H