Purchasing essential college items can start to get expensive, especially if you can't decide on certain dorm items and you end up buying more than you may need. We understand, and there's nothing wrong with wanting the option to switch up the look of your dorm room when you want to. Sadly, it isn't always that easy. With limited space, your dorm room can only hold so much. But luckily there's a way to switch up the look of your entire dorm room without taking up any extra space! Reversible Full XL comforters give you two stylish college comforters for one low cost so you can switch up the look of your extra long Full size bed whenever the mood strikes you.
And with one of a kind color combinations, like our Jet Stream/Nightfall Navy Full Comforter - Oversized Full XL Bedding, you can really get two different looking dorm bedding options in one. This off white and navy blue Full extra long bedding item lets you easily match the rest of your dorm room decor or lets you add a dramatic burst of color. Either side you choose will give you stylish college bedding that will look fantastic!