When you need a hand with your studying, don't reach for the coffee. Actually, do that if you wish, but consider a more basic college supply staple that could help you out too. A simple dorm desk light will do wonders for those all-night study sessions when you're seated at your dorm desk. If you don't have enough lighting, it'll be hard to stay awake and hard to concentrate. So add to your dorm lighting by including this Essential Dorm Desk Lamp as part of your dorm room supplies. It's a basic desk lamp, but it will still effectively provide extra lighting for all that textbook reading, or just for your dorm room in general.
The adjustable neck of this college desk lamp means you can get the angle that you'll need. Sometimes, too, you might find it's too bright in your dorm room with your overhead light. If that occurs, just use this cheap lamp as your main light. Whether you're studying or just hanging out, having the right amount of lighting means the difference between a dim, dull dorm room, or even one that causes headaches because it's so bright. To give yourself some options, add this college essential to your dorm stuff. It's an example of a simple yet effective college supply, and one that's a practical and cheap dorm item too.