Every girl loves a nice expensive bag. But does every college girl need one? Not when there are cute and affordable alternatives like our Cotton Blossom Crossbody Bag. Our crossbody bag may have a low price, but like all of the bags on our dorm site, it's made out of high quality and durable material. One of the best things about using a low priced bag in college is not having to worry about using it all the time. On trips from your college dorm room to class, you're always going to need to have your dorm room ID with you to get back into your building. Unlike some larger shoulder bags, our dorm bag is the perfect size for you to carry with you every day to class.
Messenger bags are also the perfect style for college because they leave your hands free to use your dorm ID card or carry your coffee. With three separate pockets, our college bag can keep important items like your license and cell phone safe from being lost or damaged. The adorable floral pattern of our bag is not only cute, but it will also help hide any stains or smudges. Messenger bags are also the perfect style for nights out with your friends because shoulder style purses that you carry can be easy to set down and forget.
We just gave you so many great practical reasons why our bag is a must have college supply. But let's be honest....did you really need that much convincing to buy a cute bag for college? Probably not, but at least now you won't feel guilty adding our bag to your college supplies.