When you have the chance to sleep well in college, make sure you take the opportunity. But don't just sleep well, sleep as best as you possibly can! How will you do that? You'll need the right stuff for your dorm room; equip your dorm supplies with all the softest dorm bedding possible—and that includes pillowcases. The humble pillowcase is actually one of the most important parts of your dorm bedding supplies, and with DormCo's exclusive College Ave UltraSoft Pillowcases (Set of 2) your head will receive the softness it needs. It'll be no wonder if your head hurts a little bit after a day spent thinking, thinking, and thinking about academics. So when it's finally time to call it a night, rest your head on the softest surface possible.
These pillowcases for college are made of high-quality microfiber, which feels like 500 thread-count cotton! If you're not familiar, that's super soft, the kind of softness that lulls you to sleep at the very touch. Sometimes, due to school-related stress or being in a new environment, you can find yourself having trouble sleeping. Well, we can safely say you'll have an easier time getting some good rest if your pillowcase and all your dorm bedding is as comfy as possible. So do yourself a favor and equip your college supplies with comfort in mind. When it comes to having the comfiest dorm bed at school, overlook no details!