When you are planning all the items you’re bringing to college, don’t just consider how they will all fit in your dorm room–also think about how they will all fit in your car! Unless you plan on renting a moving truck to carry all your dorm stuff to campus, you may need to get creative with how you load up your car’s trunk. Or, invest in cool dorm items that don’t just save space in your small room, but also save space while packing! For example, this Collapsible Storage Box folds completely flat while not in use, so it will barely take up any space in your trunk.
Of course, you will not want to spend tons of time on move-in day struggling with confusing assembly instructions and small parts to put your dorm furniture together. Thankfully, this foldable storage bin doesn’t really require assembly–just set fold the sides up until they click into place, and this dorm storage box will be ready to go on your desk, in your closet, or anywhere else that you need to organize your college stuff. Made with sturdy plastic instead of flimsy fabric, this folding storage crate will last all the way from move-in day until graduation!