Our Classic Twin XL College Mattress Pad is one of the first items you'll need for your college dorm bedding. University provided dorm beds often lack any sort of appeal and you'll want to ensure that your dorm bedding topper, sheets and overall college bedding have a barrier between your bedding and your actual bed. Besides a barrier. this extra long twin mattress pad also provides a layer of comfort to give your dorm bed that little extra boost of comfort. Overall, this cheap Twin XL Mattress Pad is a must have addition to your college dorm bedding checklist.
With all the dorm stuff you'll need to buy it is important to keep some of the basics cheap and affordable to allow for your college dorm supplies budget to be able to cover the other essentials on your list. DormCo is dedicated to being your cheap dorm store with quality items you need that will last throughout your college years. Enjoy this Made in the USA Classic Twin XL College Mattress Pad and create a comfortably inviting dorm bedding set-up.